Vluchtcyclus op. 7

“Vluchtcyclus” is a five-song cycle project for harp and voice, based on poems and music by Carlo Rossi. The project has been funded by “Het Cultuurfonds” with the “Louis Lehmann fund – Componeren en Dichten”.

In a dystopian scenario where Europe is devastated by a 3rd World War, its population is forced to escape their homelands and travel to the Global South. Every movement represents a different stage of practical and emotional adaptation of the refugees to their new living condition, in a new political and dystopian “Winterreise”.

The five movements of the cycle are:

I – War – Suddenly, all is destroyed
II – Run – Fight for your life
III – Safeness – Breath again
IV – Nostalgia – Sadness
V – Hope – A new future can be possible

Vluchtcyclus poster
Het Cultuurfonds logo

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